Useful Links

Please see below links which we think you may find useful.

Useful social care links for support:
For urgent safeguarding concerns, please follow the instructions here: 

The Short Breaks Offer

Information about short breaks and how to access them.


Personal Budgets and Direct Payments

Information about personal budgets, direct payments, what they are, how they work and useful info about employing a personal assistant with a direct payment


Short Breaks Price Guide – holiday and other clubs and community support

Info about various clubs, activities and other things that people can use their direct payments for


SEND Coronavirus (COVIV-19) information

This page is also updated by SEND services as and when things change and has updates about various other SEND services that may be of interest to familes.

Forest Schools
Healthy Schools - Cambridgeshire
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
School Games Gold 2015/16